What is it that drives us to do what we do: the 'Why' behind the doing. Understanding that is key to a good partnership so we like to start there:
The 28th June 1999 should have been a normal day at the office as a CAA delegated Design Engineer at a major airline but it wasn't to be! One of our 747s enroute to Hong Kong with 399 passengers and 20 crew was on a collision course with a 747 freighter some 33,000 ft above China! They missed. Missed each other by some 200-300 meters, 300 meters not of technical making or great pilot skill but of providence or grace, whichever you wish to describe it.
As the days unfolded and the enormity of what had happened (or perhaps more correctly hadn't happened) became clear a change happened for that Design Engineer. As I returned home to my wife and children after some 16 hours investigating and testing the aircraft collision avoidance systems I realised I had to have a different story to tell than the one I originally thought I needed. I realised that I had to be able to say, with a totally clear conscience, that I had made the best decisions I could using all the information available. I found myself in an industry that couldn't say that.
There is much more to that tale if you are interested here but the important thing to us here is that this event set me and my career upon a different path, from one of designing and engineering avionic installations to one of engineering knowledge, knowledge of risk and the data behind it.
Thirty years in aviation, and more recently in various other risk critical domains, has taught me that data is one thing but knowledge is another. In whatever field we find ourselves data alone cannot help us to improve safety, it is only the knowledge that results from that data, combined with effective and empowered risk decision making, that can hope to give us the continuous improvements in safety that we desire to see.
You can find out more about my journey to this point here but ultimately it lead to the formation of Llanbury Consulting (in 2007) where our passion is to see 'Risk' really understood, effectively communicated and people empowered to make the good decions that our each of our safety critical industries need. If this strikes a chord with you then please get in touch. We can only do this through working together with others and we passionately believe that together we can make the world a better place.
Andrew Rose